The Background of the Boy Scouts
The boy scout movement's history can be divided into three major phases. The first period occurred between 1876 to 1917, when the BSA was created in the United States. After the BSA was founded, it became an international scout organization whose membership included all nations. The second period lasted from 1918 to 1939 when the BSA relocated its headquarters to 2 Park Avenue in New York City. Boy Scouts have been an integral part of American culture for many years. Despite societal and cultural changes, the group continues to promote the virtues of self-reliance, outdoor skills, and character. It has evolved into a distinct combination of government-funded and commercial groups. The organization had a rough beginning but has since become one of the most influential youth organizations in the world. Sir Robert Baden-Powell, who launched the organization in Great Britain, resolved to take action in the United States. In 1910, two youth organizations merged to become the Boy Scouts ...