What Are the Distinctions Between Boy Scouts and Eagle Scouts?
If you're considering upgrading from Boy Scout to Eagle Scout , you might wonder what the distinctions are. In truth, there are numerous distinctions. To begin, Eagle Scouts can only achieve the rank after completing a certain amount of merit badges. Furthermore, the BSA requires three higher honors to get the Eagle rank. An Eagle Scout is more prestigious in the United States than a Boy Scout. Because previous Eagles have done so well in adulthood, the award is precious to American culture. Over two million boys have earned the rank of Eagle Scout since 1912. The first female Eagle is anticipated to be crowned in the mid-2020s. The Eagle Scout program is quite tricky. The qualifications for becoming an Eagle Scout begin in Cub Scouts. In addition, an Eagle Scout must be at least 17 years old to be eligible for the rank. Despite their rigorous criteria, the two classes have significant vital variances. These are detailed below. The amount of dedication is one of the fundamental con...